






2015年4月至2019年8月,比利时根特大学(Ghent University),电子工程专业博士






电子/光电子器件及系统模型提取(Model extraction & System identification),光电联合仿真(Electro-optical co-simulation),不确定性分析(Variability analysis/Uncertainty quantification),主要应用于光子设计自动化(Photonic Design Automation, PDA)领域,目标是推动光电子集成线路(Photonic Integrated Circuits, PIC)向大规模高复杂度发展,等同于集成电路(Electronic Integrated Circuits, EIC)领域的电子设计自动化平台(Electronic Design Automation, EDA)。


¨     Y. Ye, D. Spina, Y. Xing, W. Bogaerts, and T. Dhaene, Numerical modeling of a linear photonic system for accurate and efficient time-domain simulations, Photonics Research, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 560–573, 2018.

¨     Y. Ye, D. Spina, W. Bogaerts, and T. Dhaene, Baseband macromodeling of linear photonic circuits for time-domain simulations, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 1364-1373, 2019.

¨     Y. Ye, D. Spina, D. Deschrijver, W. Bogaerts, and T. Dhaene, Time-domain compact macromodeling of linear photonic circuits via complex vector fitting, Photonics Research, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 771-782, 2019.

¨     Y. Ye, M. Wang, D. Spina, W. Bogaerts and T. Dhaene, Time-domain characterization of photonic integrated filters subject to fabrication variations, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 37, no. 21, pp. 5561-5570, 2019.

¨    Y. Ye, D. Spina, P. Manfredi, D. Vande Ginste and T. Dhaene, A Comprehensive and Modular Stochastic Modeling Framework for the Variability-Aware Assessment of Signal Integrity in High-Speed Links, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 459-467, 2018.

¨    M. Khan, Y. Xing, Y. Ye, and W. Bogaerts, “Photonic Integrated Circuit Design in a Foundry + Fabless Ecosystem” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1-14, art no. 8201014, 2019.

¨    F. Passos, Y. Ye, D. Spina, E. Roca, R. Castro-López, T. Dhaene, and F. V. Fernández, Parametric macromodeling of integrated inductors for RF circuit design,  Microwave and optical technology letters, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 1207-1212, 2017.